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Tubers bearing a single pedate lf. one year, the next year lvs. and fls.: petioles cylindrical, spotted below; blade pedately parted: peduncle short: spathe soon withering, its tube oblong, swollen at the base, more or less connate, its blade or banner long-lanceolate, black-purple, variously spotted.—Species 6, India, Java, and Trop. Afr. The following are hardy bulbous plants, with large and curious fls. The fls. are produced from Jan. until June, and the bulbs have kept well in a dry state for a year. There is little danger of the bulbs shriveling or rotting. Plant them 6 in. deep in pots or in the garden. Easily managed by the amateur.
Tubers bearing a single pedate lf. one year, the next year lvs. and fls.: petioles cylindrical, spotted below; blade pedately parted: peduncle short: spathe soon withering, its tube oblong, swollen at the base, more or less connate, its blade or banner long-lanceolate, black-purple, variously spotted.—Species 6, India, Java, and Trop. Afr. The following are hardy bulbous plants, with large and curious fls. The fls. are produced from Jan. until June, and the bulbs have kept well in a dry state for a year. There is little danger of the bulbs shriveling or rotting. Plant them 6 in. deep in pots or in the garden. Easily managed by the amateur.
S. brevipes, N. E. Br. Petiole up to 15 in. long, rose, the segms. of blade 5-9, 4-6 in. long, narrowly linear-lanceolate, caudate-acuminate: spathe shortly stalked, the tube swollen, 1 1/2 in. long, pale yellowish green, faintly rose-spotted, the limb narrow, convolute, twisted, arching. 4-6 in. long, pale greenish or rose, bright red at throat; spadix as long as spathe, slender, rose below, orange above. Sikkim. B.M. 7940.
