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Carex (name of obscure origin). Cyperaceae. Sedge. Grass-like perennials of very many kinds, a few of which are grown in bogs or as border plants.
Flowers unisexual, in spikes, the staminate naked and subtended by a bract or scale, the pistillate comprising a single pistil inclosed in a thin sac or perigynium; monoecious or rarely dioecious: sts. or culms solid, not jointed, mostly 3-angled: lvs. grass-like but 3- ranked. One large group has 2 styles and a lenticular achene, and the spikes are commonly androgynous or contain both sexes (Fig. 796); another division has 3 styles and a triangular achene, and the spikes are commonly unisexual, the staminate being above (Figs. 797, 798).
Carices are very abundant in cool temperate regions, both in species and in individual plants. There are more than 800 known species. Many of them grow on dry land, but the largest species grow in low grounds and swales, and often form much of the bulk of bog hay. Carices coyer great areas of marsh land in the upper Mississippi region and are employed in the manufacture of "grass carpets" or Crex fabrics. The species are difficult to distinguish because they are very similar, and the study of them is usually left to specialists. Some of our broad-leaved native species make excellent borders and interesting clumps in corners about buildings and along walls. Of such are C. platyphylla, C. plantaginea, C. albursina. Many of the lowland species are excellent adjuncts to the pond of hardy aquatics. Others have very graceful forms, with drooping spikes and slender culms (Fig. 798). The following native species, and probably others, have been offered by collectors: C. aurea, C. eburnea, C. flava, C. Grayi (one of the best), C. hysiricina, C. lupulina and its var. pedunculata, C. lurida, C. paupercula, C. pennsylvanica, C. plantaginea, C. Pseudo-Cyperus, C. retrosa, C. Richardsonii, C. riparia, C. Tuckermanii, C. utriculata, C. vulpinoidea. The species present no difficulties in cultivation if the natural habitat is imitated. Propagated readily by seed sown in late fall (germinating in spring) or by division of the clumps.
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