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The United States Census of 1910 gives the total valuation of the vegetable- and flower-seed crop grown in the United States in 1909 at $1,411,013 (see page 3136), but it is thought that the amount actually produced was much larger, seed-dealers and -growers generally being inclined to depreciate the extent and profit of the business in order to lessen competition. Since then the amount grown and listed has increased materially, an estimate by a very experienced dealer of the area devoted to vegetable-seed crops in 1915 being as follows:
The United States Census of 1910 gives the total valuation of the vegetable- and flower-seed crop grown in the United States in 1909 at $1,411,013 (see page 3136), but it is thought that the amount actually produced was much larger, seed-dealers and -growers generally being inclined to depreciate the extent and profit of the business in order to lessen competition. Since then the amount grown and listed has increased materially, an estimate by a very experienced dealer of the area devoted to vegetable-seed crops in 1915 being as follows:
Seed beans 50,000
Seed beans 50,000
Cabbage for seed 2,000
Cabbage for seed 2,000