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| name = ''LATINNAME'' <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''Paphiopedilum callosum''
| common_names = <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| common_names = <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ? <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| growth_habit = ? <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
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Paphiopedilum callosum ([[synonymous|syn.]] Cypripedium collasum). Leaves acute, up to 10 in. long; tessellated: scape longer than leaves, brownish purple, 1-, or sometimes 2-flowered; flowers 4 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, cordate, white, veins green at base, deep purple above, alternately longer and shorter; petals spreading, ligulate, pale green, tinted pale rose at apex, with 4 or 5 blackish warts on upper margin; lip helmet-shaped, brownish purple, the infolded lobes purple-spotted. Feb., March. C.O. Cypripedium 7. Var. giganteum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal broad, white, shaded with emerald-green lined with deep green. Var. Rossianum, Pfitz. Petals longer, narrower, and strongly falcate. Var. Sanderae, Pfitz. Flowers white, the dorsal sepal green-veined. C.O. Cypripedium 15a. Var. Schmidtianum, Pfitz. (Cypripedium Schmidtianum, Kranzl.). Petals at base deflexed; lobes of the lip inflexed, thickened, subacute at apex; stam- inodium less angled, nearly orbicular. Var. sublaeve, Pfitz. Petals without warts or hairs on the surface. Var. viridiflorum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal and petals greenish white, veined with deep gray.
Paphiopedilum callösum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium collàsum, Reichb. f.). Lvs. acute, up to 10 in. long; tessellated: scape longer than lvs., brownish purple, 1-, or sometimes 2-fld.; fls. 4 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, cordate, white, veins green at base, deep purple above, alternately longer and shorter; petals spreading, ligulate, pale green, tinted pale rose at apex, with 4 or 5 blackish warts on upper margin; lip helmet-shaped, brownish purple, the infolded lobes purple-spotted. Feb., March. Siam. R.H. 1888:252. L.2:73. C.O. Cypripèdium 7. Var. gigantèum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal broad, white, shaded with emerald-green lined with deep green. Var. Rossiànum, Pfitz. Petals longer, narrower, and strongly falcate. Var. Sanderae, Pfitz. Fls. white, the dorsal sepal green-veined. C.O. Cypripèdium 15a. Var. Schmidtianum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium Schmidtianum, Kranzl.). Petals at base deflexed; lobes of the lip inflexed, thickened, subacute at apex; stam- inodium less angled, nearly orbicular. Var. sublaeve, Pfitz. Petals without warts or hairs on the surface. Var. viridiflôrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal and petals greenish white, veined with deep gray.