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Cedronella (a little cedar, from the odor of C. triphylla, a species from the Canary Islands sometimes called "Balm of Gilead"). Labiatae. Herbs or shrubs, sometimes planted in borders in the middle and southern parts of the United States.
Four species allied to Dracocephalum, to which the first 2 belong according to Bentham. Engler and Prantl consider the genus monotypic, containing only the third species below. The 2 native kinds described below are compact, free-flowering border perennials, with aromatic lvs. and numerous showy purplish pink fls. with blue stamens, and borne in dense whorls on long racemes or spikes: calyx a trifle oblique, 5- toothed; corolla-tube exserted, the limb 2-lipped; stamens 4, the anthers 2-celled. — They are not quite hardy N., and should have a sheltered sunny position, or some winter protection. The first 2 prop. by division of the root, the last by cuttings.
| name = ''Cedronella''
| name = ''Cedronella''
