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Celtis occidentalis, Linn. Fig. 868. Large tree, occasionally 120 ft.: branchlets glabrous or slightly pubescent: lvs. oblique and rounded at the base, ovate-acuminate, pubescent when young, usually rough above, sometimes smooth at maturity, usually entire toward the base, light green, 2-6 in. long: fr. orange-red, 1/3-½in. long, on slender pedicel, longer than the petiole. S.S. 7:317. G.F. 3:40 (adapted in Fig. 868) and 43. Em. 304. Mn. 7:231, 233. A.G. 20:240, 531.—Very variable species. Var. crassifolia, Koch (C. crassifolia, Lam.), has firm, very rough and large lvs., to 5 in. long, usually cordate at base and more strongly serrate. Michx. Hist. Arb. 3:228.
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