Paris quadrifolia. Herb-paris. True-love. Four-Leaved Grass. Height 9-12 in.: leaves all cauline, netted-veined (exceptional among monocotyledons): peduncle rising 1-2 in. above leaves: perianth-segments yellowish green, the 4 inner ones rather more yellow: berry bluish black. The dominant European type, scattered over Europe and Siberia from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterannean, in woods and shady places, but usually local.— Flowers in spring or early summer. Rarely the leaves and floral parts are in 5's.
Paris quadrifolia, Linn. Herb-paris. True-love. Four- Leaved Grass. Height 9-12 in.: lvs. all cauline, netted- veined (exceptional among monocotyledons): peduncle rising 1-2 in. above lvs.: perianth-segms. yellowish green, the 4 inner ones rather more yellow: berry bluish black. The dominant European type, scattered over Eu. and Siberia from the Arctic Circle to the Medit., in woods and shady places, but usually local. Gn. 31, p. 165.— Fls. in spring or early summer. Rarely the lvs. and floral parts are in 5's.