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| name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| name = ''Paphiopedilum Lawrenceanum''
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
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Paphiopedilum Lawrenceanum. (syn. Cypripidium Lawrenceanum). Leaves up to 10 in. long, 2 1/2 in- broad, tessellated: scape longer than leaves, brownish purple, pubescent, 1-, or rarely 2-flowered; flowers 4-5 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal nearly orbicular, white, the veins alternately longer and shorter, deep purple, the central ones usually green at base; petals spreading, ciliate, ligulate, green, the tips purple, each margin with 5-10 blackish warts; lip dull purple, brown-tinged above, green beneath. April-July.
Paphiopedilum Lawrenceànum, Pfitz. (Cypripidium Lawrence-ànum, Reichb. f.). Lvs. up to 10 in. long, 2 1/2 in- broad, tessellated: scape longer than lvs., brownish purple, pubescent, 1-, or rarely 2-fld.; fls. 4-5 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal nearly orbicular, white, the veins alternately longer and shorter, deep purple, the central ones usually green at base; petals spreading, ciliate, ligulate, green, the tips purple, each margin with 5-10 blackish warts; lip dull purple, brown-tinged above, green beneath. April-July. B.M. 6432. I.H. 30:478. F.S. 23:2372. G.C. III. 21:291. G.Z. 24, p. 1. J.H. 111.51:51; 63:545. Var. Abbottianum, Pfitz. Fls. large, the dorsal sepal with veins deep crimson. Var. atropurpureum, Hort. Same as following. Var. atroru-brum, Pfitz. Fls. richly colored, especially the dorsal sepal. Var. biflorum, Pfitz. Scape 2-fld., the lower fl. is normal, while the dorsal sepal of the upper fl. is reflexed. Var. coloratum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal subacute, inter- nerves pale violet, warts of the petals numerous. Var. expánsum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal much larger than in the type; petals larger. Var. Grenieri, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, round, emerald-green at base, with numerous deep blackish purple veins above, the groundcolor white, shaded rosy magenta, the border white; petals emerald-green above, greenish white beneath, lined with rose; lip well developed, reddish maroon above, greenish yellow below. Var. Hyeanum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal white, green-veined; petals horizontal, very long, white, green-dotted; lip olive. G.C. III. 21:37. Var. magnificum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal deep green at base, with a broad white border, lined with blackish purple at center. Var. Moensii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal broad, strongly lined with blackish purple and carmine, the border pure white; petals sea-green; lip brownish maroon with a white terminal spot. Var. pleioleucum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal white above, the green veins short. Var. stenosemum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal much narrower than in type, elliptic. Other varieties known are: auriculum, giganteum, grande, Lindenii, marmoratum, nigrum, pictum, Pitchernianum, purpurascens, roseum, superbun, virescens.
Var. Abbottianum, Pfitz. Flowers large, the dorsal sepal with veins deep crimson. Var. atropurpureum, Hort. Same as following. Var. atroru-brum, Pfitz. Flowers richly colored, especially the dorsal sepal. Var. biflorum, Pfitz. Scape 2-flowered, the lower flower is normal, while the dorsal sepal of the upper flower is reflexed. Var. coloratum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal subacute, inter- nerves pale violet, warts of the petals numerous. Var. expánsum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal much larger than in the type; petals larger. Var. Grenieri, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, round, emerald-green at base, with numerous deep blackish purple veins above, the groundcolor white, shaded rosy magenta, the border white; petals emerald-green above, greenish white beneath, lined with rose; lip well developed, reddish maroon above, greenish yellow below. Var. Hyeanum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal white, green-veined; petals horizontal, very long, white, green-dotted; lip olive. G.C. III. 21:37. Var. magnificum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal deep green at base, with a broad white border, lined with blackish purple at center. Var. Moensii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal broad, strongly lined with blackish purple and carmine, the border pure white; petals sea-green; lip brownish maroon with a white terminal spot. Var. pleioleucum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal white above, the green veins short. Var. stenosemum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal much narrower than in type, elliptic. Other varieties known are: auriculum, giganteum, grande, Lindenii, marmoratum, nigrum, pictum, Pitchernianum, purpurascens, roseum, superbun, virescens.{{SCH}}