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Fedia (application doubtful). Valerianaceae. One glabrous branching annual of the Medit. region, sometimes grown as an ornamental and also as a salad plant. Lvs. entire or dentate: fls. red, small, in more or less dense terminal cymes; peduncles thick and fistular; corolla with an elongated tube and a 2-lipped limb, irregular at the base; stamens 2; style entire or 2-3-fid. F. Cornucopia?, DC. (Valeriana Cornucapiae, Linn.), a variable species, usually with purplish sts., grows 10-16 in. high: lvs. nearly all radical, oval-oblong, shining green. It is sometimes known as African valerian. The lvs. are eaten as salad, being related to corn-salad. The plant seems not to be in the American trade.
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