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Feijoa. The Feijoa, or Pineapple Guava (Feijoa Sellowiana, Berg, family Myrtaceae) is indigenous to western Paraguay, southern Brazil, Uruguay, and parts of Argentina, where it is common in the forests, and the fruit is highly esteemed by the natives though not cultivated. It was introduced to southern Europe in 1890, and is grown along the Riviera, both in France and Italy. From the former country it was introduced to the United States about 1900, and is becoming widely planted in California. Its distribution in other countries is very limited.
Feijoa is of 2 species. It is the Orthostemon of Berg, not of Robert Brown. F. obovata, Berg (o. obovatus, Berg), is considered by Niedenzu to be a variety of F. Sellowiana. It is a white-tomentose shrub, with bisexual showy fls.; petals 4, spreading; stamens numerous, in many series, colored; ovary 4-celled, bearing a thickish style; pedicels 1-fld., at the ends of the branches or becoming lateral. The other species is F. Schenckiana, Kiaersk., of Brazil, described first in 1891. The genus is closely allied to psidium. but is distinguished by the albuminous seeds and stamens suberect in the bud.
The plant grows to an ultimate height of 15 feet. Its leaves are similar in form and appearance to those of the olive, but larger, the upper surface glossy green, and lower surface silvery gray, forming a contrast that makes the shrub effectively ornamental. This effect is much heightened by its flowers which are produced in late spring and are 11/2 inches in diameter, composed of four cupped petals, white outside and purplish crimson within, surmounted by a tuft of crimson stamens 1 inch long. The oval or oblong fruits, 2 inches in length and 1 1/2 inches in thickness, ripen in autumn and early winter. The skin is dull green, with sometimes a touch of crimson on the cheek; it incloses a layer of whitish, granular flesh, which surrounds a quantity of translucent, melting pulp, containing twenty to thirty seeds. The flavor bears a pronounced resemblance to that of the pineapple, this being enhanced by the fact that the seeds are so small that they cannot be felt in the mouth. While commonly eaten fresh, the fruit may be cooked in several ways, crystallized, or made into jam or jelly.
The feijoa does not seem to thrive under strictly tropical conditions, preferring a climate such as that of southern California or the Riviera, free from excessive humidity, and cool-at least part of the year. In France, the plants have passed uninjured through temperatures of 12° F. A good loam, rich in humus, is the ideal soil for the feijoa. It has been successfully grown on heavy clay, by working in a quantity of light material, but it does not do well on light or sandy soils. The situation seems to be of little importance; provided the land is well drained. While the plant is notably drought-resistant, for best results in growth and fruiting a liberal supply of water is necessary. During the dry season, irrigations should be as frequent as for citrous trees. Fertilizers must be applied with caution, or they will stimulate growth at the expense of fruit. A small quantity of bone-meal, or other fertilizer not too rich in nitrogen, may be advantageously applied each year, while well-rotted manure will supply the much-needed humus, if it is lacking in the soil. The plants should be set 15 or 18 feet apart, and require very little pruning. Seedlings usually come into bearing at three to five years; grafted or layered plants will sometimes bear the second year.
In some instances, seedling feijoas fruit sparingly or not at all, either through the failure of the flowers to be properly fertilized or because of unfavorable soil or surroundings. Although isolated plants are often productive, it has been suggested that the feijoa is sometimes self sterile, and two or more bushes should be planted together to permit of cross-pollination. The difficulty can probably be obviated, in a measure at least, by propagating asexually from strains of known productiveness.
The fruits fall when mature, and must be laid in a cool place until they are in condition for eating, which can be detected by a slight softening, and also by the odor,—a fragrance most delightful. If picked before fully mature and ready to fall, the fruits lack much of the delicate flavor of a perfectly ripened specimen. Very little care is required in packing, and the fruits can be shipped long distances without difficulty. They spoil quickly in a hot, humid atmosphere, but if stored in a cool place they can be kept for a month or more in perfect condition.
The shrub is attacked by a very few insects, the only one noted in either California or southern Europe being the black scale (Saissetm oleae), which rarely requires combative measures. No fungus diseases have been observed on mature plants.
Propagation is usually by seed, but some vegetative means must be used to perpetuate named varieties. Fruits for seed should be selected with a view to desirability in every character, as in precocity of bearing and productiveness of the parent. While the feijoa does not come absolutely true from seed, fairly good results are usually secured from selected seeds.
One of the best mediums for germinating the seeds is a mixture of silver-sand and well-rotted redwood sawdust. This gives an almost sterile medium, in which there is little danger of damping-off, to which fungus the young plants are very susceptible. With care in watering, however, any light porous soil, not too rich in humus, may be used. Sow the seeds in pans or flats, covering them to the depth of 1/4 inch. Germination will usually take place within three weeks. A glasshouse is not necessary, but the flats containing the seeds should be kept in a frame with lath or slat covering to provide partial shade. The seeds will retain their vitality a year or more, if kept dry. As soon as the young plants have made their second leaves they should be pricked off into 2-inch pots; after attaining a height of 4 inches they should be shifted into 3-inch pots, from which they can later on be transplanted into the open ground.
Cuttings can be successfully rooted under glass. They should be of young wood from the ends of branches, and about 4 inches in length. Inserted in clear sand over bottom heat they will strike roots in a month or two; without bottom heat they root very slowly. It is sometimes advised to keep them covered with bell-jars until they have formed roots.
Layering is used in France to perpetuate choice forms. It is somewhat tedious, but more certain than any other vegetative means of propagation. Those branches which are closest to the ground are bent down and covered with soil for the space of 3 to 6 inches. They require no care except to keep the soil fairly moist, and they will root in six months.
Whip-grafting and veneer-grafting are successfully practised under glass, using as stocks seedling feijoas of the diameter of a lead pencil. The cions should be of about the same diameter and of young but firm wood.
Several named varieties have been established, of which the most prominent are Andre and Besson.
F. W. Popenoe.
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