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Low shrub, with evergreen alternate small lvs.: fls. nodding in terminal leafy racemes; calyx small, 5- lobed; corolla urceolate-oblong, 5-lobed, with 5 included stamens; anthers 2-pointed: fr. a depressed-globose, 5-lobed caps, with numerous seeds.—One species in the colder regions of the northern hemisphere. Low, hardy, ornamental shrub, valuable for the earliness of its pretty white fls. It thrives best in a peaty and sandy, moist soil. Prop, by seeds sown in sandy peat, only slightly or not covered, and kept moist and shady; also by layers and suckers and by cuttings from mature wood in late summer under glass.{{SCH}}
Low shrub, with evergreen alternate small lvs.: fls. nodding in terminal leafy racemes; calyx small, 5- lobed; corolla urceolate-oblong, 5-lobed, with 5 included stamens; anthers 2-pointed: fr. a depressed-globose, 5-lobed caps, with numerous seeds.—One species in the colder regions of the northern hemisphere. Low, hardy, ornamental shrub, valuable for the earliness of its pretty white fls. It thrives best in a peaty and sandy, moist soil. Prop, by seeds sown in sandy peat, only slightly or not covered, and kept moist and shady; also by layers and suckers and by cuttings from mature wood in late summer under glass.{{SCH}}
Chamaedaphne calyculata, Moench (Cassandra calyculata, Don. Lyonia calyculata, Reichb. Andromeda calyculata, Linn.). Fig. 894. Bush with spreading or horizontal branches, 1-3 ft.: lvs. short-petioled, oblong, obtuse, slightly serrulate and revolute at the margins, dull green above and rusty-lepidote beneath: fls. short- peduncled, nodding; corolla white, oblong, about ¼in. long. B.M. 1286. L.B.C. 6:530; 15:1464; 16:1582. Mn. N. 1:125. Em. 423. Var. angustifolia, Rehd. (Andromeda calyculata var. angustifolia, Ait. A. crispa, Poir.). Lvs. linear-lanceolate, undulate and crisped at the margin. Var. nana, Rehd. (Andromeda calyculata var. nana, Lodd. A. vacciniodes, Hort.). One foot or less high, with horizontal branches. L.B.C. 9:862.— Handsome little shrub, well suited for borders of evergreen shrub-beries and for rockeries.