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[[Actinidia]] chinensis, Planch. Climbing, to 25 ft.: hairs of young branchlets and lvs. bright red; pith of branches lamellate: lvs. orbicular or oval, cordate, firm, 3-5 in. long, ciliate-serrulate, finally glabrous above and dark green, whitish beneath: fls. several, creamy white, l 1/2-2 in. across: fr. ovoid or subglobose, 1-2 in. long, hairy, edible. China. G.C. III. 46:77 and 79. R.H. 1909, p. 473. J.H.S. 1903:59. H.I. 16:1593.—The most beautiful of the actinidias with the largest fls. and a promising fruiting vine; the frs. have the flavor of a gooseberry.
Actinidia chinensis, Planch. Climbing, to 25 ft.: hairs of young branchlets and lvs. bright red; pith of branches lamellate: lvs. orbicular or oval, cordate, firm, 3-5 in. long, ciliate-serrulate, finally glabrous above and dark green, whitish beneath: fls. several, creamy white, l 1/2-2 in. across: fr. ovoid or subglobose, 1-2 in. long, hairy, edible. China. G.C. III. 46:77 and 79. R.H. 1909, p. 473. J.H.S. 1903:59. H.I. 16:1593.—The most beautiful of the actinidias with the largest fls. and a promising fruiting vine; the frs. have the flavor of a gooseberry.
A. callosa, Lindl. Similar to A. Kolomikta. Branchleta with conspicuous lenticels, with lamellate pnl,: lvs. oval to oblong, 3-5 in. long, serrulate, quite glabrous: fls. white, 1/2 in. across: fr. ovoid, spotted, 1 in. long. China. — A. coriacea, Dunn. Allied to the preceding species. Lvs. coriaceous, oblong to lanceolate, remotely serrate, 3-4 in. long; petioles less than 1 in. long: fls. several, reddish: fr. ovoid, spotted, 1/2-3/4in- long. China. Recently offered under the name of A. Henryi, which is a totally different species, allied to A. chinensis. — A. melanandra, Franch. Allied to A. arguta. Lvs. ovate-oblong or oblong, closely serrulate: staminate corymbs many-fld. ; petals greenish at the base: fr. purple. China. Alfred Rehder.