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Aechmea spectabilis, Brongn. Lvs. linear, the margins armed with stout spines: panicle laxly pyramidal; fls. about 1 1/4 in. long; sepals pale rose; petals white, purple at apex. Venezuela and Colombia. H.H. 1875:311.
A. aurantiaca, Baker~Canistrum aurantiacum.—A. Barleei, Baker. Corolla pale yellow. Honduras. —A. brasiliensis, Regel. Lvs. rauch dilated at base, whitish below, black-toothed: petals light blue: calyx and rachis red: panicle branched. Brazil. Gt. 34:1202. — A. bromeliaefolia. Baker. Dense spike: Lvs. whitish below, 3-4 ft. long, serrate or spinescent: fls. light yellow. S. Amer. — A. Cornui, Carr.~A. nudicaulis. — A. Drakeana, Andre. Lvs. whitish, finely dentate: spike simple and lax; fls. long-tubular, light blue; bracts and ovaries coral-red: berries rose, becoming blue. S. Amer. H.H. 1888, p. 401, desc. — A. exsudans, Morr.~Gravisia exsudans. — A. Furstenbergii, Morr.~Streptocalyx Furstenbergii. — A. gigas, Morr. Floral lvs. crimson: fls. in a dense infl.; sepals white, lepidote; corolla pale green. Brazil. B.M. 8107. — A. glomerata, Hook.~Hohenbergia stellata, Schult. — A. Hystrix, Morr. Lvs. lepidote, whitish, crowded: spike oblong, dense; fls. purple, tomentose. Guiana. — A. lavandulacea, C. H. Wright. Fls. distichous, paniculate, the sepals awned. green, the petals deep violet. Grenada. B.M. 8005. — A. macracantha, Brongn. ~A. Schiedeana. — A. Melinonii, Hook. Panicle 3-pinnate, dense; petals bright red: lvs. spiny. 1 1/2-2 ft. Guiana. B.M. 5235. — A. mexicana, Baker. Lvs. long and large, fine-toothed: panicle 2-pinnate. long and lax, the peduncles mealy; petals crimson. Mex. — A. miniata, Hort.~Bilibergia thyrsoidea(?). — A. myriophylla, Morr. Allied to A. distichantha. Lvs, narrow, 2-3 ft., spiny, silvery-scaly on the back: fls. red, the petals fading blue. Trop. Amer. B.M. 6939. — A. nudicaulis. Griseo. Lvs. long and straight, brown-toothed: bract-lvs. subtending: spike large, brilliant red; petals yellow. Trop. Amer. R.H. 1885:36 (as A. Cornui, which is a form with shorter and denser spike). — A. paniculigera, Griseb. Lvs. large and long: panicle 1-2 ft. long, with few-fld. branches: scape tall, reddish, downy; fls. purple. Trop. Amer. — A. Schiedeana, Schlecht. (A. macracantha. Brongn.). Lvs. large, rigid, strongly armed: panicle 3-pinnate, pubescent: fls. pale yellow. Mex. Gt. 43 p. 175. — A. serrata, Mez. Panicle very dense, bipinnate; fls. distichous, sessile; sepals spinulose; petals violet, mucronate. Martinique. R.H. 1907: 129 — A. zebrina~Billbergia zebrina. L. H. B. George V. Nash.
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