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Aechmea spectabilis, Brongn. Lvs. linear, the margins armed with stout spines: panicle laxly pyramidal; fls. about 1 1/4 in. long; sepals pale rose; petals white, purple at apex. Venezuela and Colombia. H.H. 1875:311.
A. aurantiaca, Baker~Canistrum aurantiacum.—A. Barleei, Baker. Corolla pale yellow. Honduras. —A. brasiliensis, Regel. Lvs. rauch dilated at base, whitish below, black-toothed: petals light blue: calyx and rachis red: panicle branched. Brazil. Gt. 34:1202. — A. bromeliaefolia. Baker. Dense spike: Lvs. whitish below, 3-4 ft. long, serrate or spinescent: fls. light yellow. S. Amer. — A. Cornui, Carr.~A. nudicaulis. — A. Drakeana, Andre. Lvs. whitish, finely dentate: spike simple and lax; fls. long-tubular, light blue; bracts and ovaries coral-red: berries rose, becoming blue. S. Amer. H.H. 1888, p. 401, desc. — A. exsudans, Morr.~Gravisia exsudans. — A. Furstenbergii, Morr.~Streptocalyx Furstenbergii. — A. gigas, Morr. Floral lvs. crimson: fls. in a dense infl.; sepals white, lepidote; corolla pale green. Brazil. B.M. 8107. — A. glomerata, Hook.~Hohenbergia stellata, Schult. — A. Hystrix, Morr. Lvs. lepidote, whitish, crowded: spike oblong, dense; fls. purple, tomentose. Guiana. — A. lavandulacea, C. H. Wright. Fls. distichous, paniculate, the sepals awned. green, the petals deep violet. Grenada. B.M. 8005. — A. macracantha, Brongn. ~A. Schiedeana. — A. Melinonii, Hook. Panicle 3-pinnate, dense; petals bright red: lvs. spiny. 1 1/2-2 ft. Guiana. B.M. 5235. — A. mexicana, Baker. Lvs. long and large, fine-toothed: panicle 2-pinnate. long and lax, the peduncles mealy; petals crimson. Mex. — A. miniata, Hort.~Bilibergia thyrsoidea(?). — A. myriophylla, Morr. Allied to A. distichantha. Lvs, narrow, 2-3 ft., spiny, silvery-scaly on the back: fls. red, the petals fading blue. Trop. Amer. B.M. 6939. — A. nudicaulis. Griseo. Lvs. long and straight, brown-toothed: bract-lvs. subtending: spike large, brilliant red; petals yellow. Trop. Amer. R.H. 1885:36 (as A. Cornui, which is a form with shorter and denser spike). — A. paniculigera, Griseb. Lvs. large and long: panicle 1-2 ft. long, with few-fld. branches: scape tall, reddish, downy; fls. purple. Trop. Amer. — A. Schiedeana, Schlecht. (A. macracantha. Brongn.). Lvs. large, rigid, strongly armed: panicle 3-pinnate, pubescent: fls. pale yellow. Mex. Gt. 43 p. 175. — A. serrata, Mez. Panicle very dense, bipinnate; fls. distichous, sessile; sepals spinulose; petals violet, mucronate. Martinique. R.H. 1907: 129 — A. zebrina~Billbergia zebrina. L. H. B. George V. Nash.
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Aechmea spectabilis, Brongn. Lvs. linear, the margins armed with stout spines: panicle laxly pyramidal; fls. about 1 1/4 in. long; sepals pale rose; petals white, purple at apex. Venezuela and Colombia.
:''More information about this species can be found on the [[Aechmea|genus page]].''
:''More information about this species can be found on the [[Aechmea|genus page]].''
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Grow in shady spot with great air circulation.  Soil should retain water, and be watered when dry to touch.  Water should be poured into cups of leaves regularly.  Can be grown in soil, pots, moss in the crotch of trees.
Grow in shady spot with great air circulation.  Soil should retain water, and be watered when dry to touch.  Water should be poured into cups of leaves regularly.  Can be grown in soil, pots, moss in the crotch of trees.