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Phlox paniculata, Linn. (P.decussata, Hort. P. acuminata, Pursh. P. cordata, Ell. P. undulata, Ait.).Summer Perennial Phlox of gardens, in many forms. Fig. 2911. Plant stout and erect, 2-4 or 6 ft., glabrous: lvs. thin, oblong-lanceolate and mostly tapering at the base, acute or acuminate: calyx-teeth awl-like. Woods, Pa.,
west and south. Summer. B.M. 1880.—The parent of the greater number of perennial phloxes of gardens, although some of these may be hybrids with the next. "Fls. pink-purple, varying to white," according to Gray. In cult, varying much in color. This plant, in several forms, persists about old homesteads and sometimes becomes naturalized. P. amplifolia, Brit., with st. villous, glandular above, lvs. broader, ranging from Ind. to Tenn. and Mo., is considered by some to be a form of P. paniculata.
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