Leucocoryne (white club, alluding to the sterile anthers). Liliaceae. About a dozen small bulbous plants of Chile, allied to Milla and Brodiaea, half-hardy in England, rarely planted here; they probably require the treatment given ixias. Plants scapose, with radical leaves, and tunicated bulbs or conns: flowers few, in terminal bracted umbels; perianth with 6 nearly or quite equal spreading oval-oblong or narrow lobes; stamens 6, of which 3 are perfect and the others reduced to staminodia: caps, membranaceous, 3-grooved, dehiscent. The species known to culture are: L. ixioides, Lindl. One foot: leaves about same length: flowers 4-6, white or pale blue. L. alliacea, Lindl. Six to 12 in.: leaves very narrow, 6-8 in. long: flowers pale lilac, 3/4 in. long.
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