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Leycesteria (Wm. Leycester, judge in Bengal). Including Pentapyxis. Caprifoliaceae. Himalayan and Chinese small shrubs with whorled small flowers, suitable for mild climates.
Deciduous: leaves opposite, simple, the stipules very small or none: flowers in erect or drooping verticillate leafy-bracted spikes; calyx persistent, unequally 5-lobed; corolla funnelform, nearly equally 5-lobed and swollen at the base; stamens 5, on the corolla-tube; ovary 5-8-celled, the stigma capitate: fruits a berry, sometimes eaten by birds. -Species about 4, only one of which appears to be in the trade; propogation by seeds and by cuttings. The genus is allied to Lonicera, from which it differs in its nearly regular corolla, and fruits with more locules; and to Diervilla, which differs in 2-loculed caps.
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