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Stenandrium (Greek, narrow anthers). Acanthaceae. Nearly stemless or short-stemmed herbs, frequently villous or pubescent, adapted to the warm- or coolhouse: lvs. often radical or clustered at the base of the st., very entire: spikes scape-like, peduncled, dense or interrupted: fls. usually small at the axils of the opposite bracts, solitary, sessile, spicate; calyx 5-parted, segms. narrow, acute; corolla-tube slender, cylindrical, limb oblique, 5-lobed, lobes obovate, retuse; stamens 4, didynamous: caps. oblong or subfusiform, subterete, 4-seeded or by abortion fewer-seeded.—About 30 species, Trop. and Subtrop. Amer.
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