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Herbs, with tuberous rhizomes: lvs. alternate or irregularly opposite, petiolate, mostly crenate: fls. axillary or terminal, stalked; calyx-tube hemispherical, the limb 5-parted and the lobes leafy; corolla-tube broadly tubular or bell-shaped, 5-parted (rarely 4- or 6-parted); stamens free, the filaments dilated at base; stigma 3-5-lobed: fr. a dry or somewhat fleshy 3-5-valved caps.—Eighteen or 20 species in Cent, and E. Asia. A few of the species may occur in choice border-collections; they need protection N.
Herbs, with tuberous rhizomes: lvs. alternate or irregularly opposite, petiolate, mostly crenate: fls. axillary or terminal, stalked; calyx-tube hemispherical, the limb 5-parted and the lobes leafy; corolla-tube broadly tubular or bell-shaped, 5-parted (rarely 4- or 6-parted); stamens free, the filaments dilated at base; stigma 3-5-lobed: fr. a dry or somewhat fleshy 3-5-valved caps.—Eighteen or 20 species in Cent, and E. Asia. A few of the species may occur in choice border-collections; they need protection N.
C. clecmatidea, Schr. Two to 3 ft., from mts. of Asia; one of the hardiest: lvs. ovate-acuminate, petioled: fls white tinged blue. Much like C. ovata.—C. convolvulacea, Kurz. Sts. thin and wiry: fls. bright blue, 1 in. across, numerous. Upper Burma.—C. lanceolata, Benth. & Hook. (Campanumaea lanceolata, Sieb. & Zucc.). Twining, 2-3 ft.: fls. hanging, greenish white and purple-veined, 1-2 in. long and 1 in. wide, in a short simple raceme: lvs. alternate, oblong-lanceolate, nearly or quite entire. Burma, China. F.S. 9:927.—C. Tangshen, Oliver. Climbing, with long thickened rhizome, the sts. slender and 2 ft. or more long: lvs. ovate or broad- lanceolate, toothed: fls. solitary, stalked, bell-shaped, 1½ in. long, greenish, spotted and striped purple inside. China. B.M. 8090. Root used in China as a tonic.—C. vinciflora, Fedde. Allied to C. convolvulacea: twining, slender: lvs. mostly opposite, ovate or oblong-acuminate, sinuate-dentate: fls. solitary, very long-peducled, rather small, rotate, and deeply parted, lilac. W. China.— C. viridiflora, Maxim. Small climber, free-flowering: fls. bell shaped, whitish green, gray and violet. E. Asia. L.H.B.
