| + | Aesculus pavia, Linn. (Pavia rubra, Poir. P. Michauxii, Spach). RED BUCKEYE. Shrub or small tree, 4-20 ft.: lfts. oblong or elliptical, acute at both ends, finely serrate, smooth or pubescent beneath: panicles 4-7 in. long, loose; fls. purplish to dark red; calyx tubular; petals very dissimilar; stamens mostly 8, nearly as long as the petals: fr. smooth. May, June. Va. to Fla. and La.—Many garden forms, as var. humilis, Mouillef. (AE. humilis, Lodd. AE. Pavia var. nana, Dipp. AE. Pavia var. péndula, Hort. AE. |
| + | rubra var. hùmilis, Loud.). Low shrub, sometimes prostrate, 2-4 ft.: lfts. coarsely and unequally serrate, slightly pubescent beneath, chiefly along the veins: fls. red; calyx dark red. Var. atrosanguinea, Rehd. Fls. very dark red. Var. sublaciniata, Wats. (Pavia atropurpurea, Spach). Lfts. narrower oblong, deeply serrate: fls. dark red. There are also forms with variegated lvs. |