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Leaves deciduous, entire, 3-9-nerved, opposite and distichous: fls. polygamous-monoecious in slender racemes, small; petals and sepals 5; stamens 10: fr. berry-like, consisting of 5 1-seeded nutlets inclosed by the enlarged and colored petals. — About 8 species in Himalayas and E. Asia, Medit. region, N. Zeal, and S. Amer. Ornamental shrubs or herbs, with slender arching branches imitating pinnate lvs., and with very showy yellow, red or black fr. The lvs. of some species are used for tanning leather; the frs. are poisonous in some species, edible in others. C. japonica has proved hardy with slight protection in Mass., and C. terminalis seems to be of the same hardiness; the other species are more tender. They grow in almost any good garden soil, and prefer sunny position. Prop. readily by seeds and greenwood cuttings in summer under glass; also by suckers and layers.
Leaves deciduous, entire, 3-9-nerved, opposite and distichous: fls. polygamous-monoecious in slender racemes, small; petals and sepals 5; stamens 10: fr. berry-like, consisting of 5 1-seeded nutlets inclosed by the enlarged and colored petals. — About 8 species in Himalayas and E. Asia, Medit. region, N. Zeal, and S. Amer. Ornamental shrubs or herbs, with slender arching branches imitating pinnate lvs., and with very showy yellow, red or black fr. The lvs. of some species are used for tanning leather; the frs. are poisonous in some species, edible in others. C. japonica has proved hardy with slight protection in Mass., and C. terminalis seems to be of the same hardiness; the other species are more tender. They grow in almost any good garden soil, and prefer sunny position. Prop. readily by seeds and greenwood cuttings in summer under glass; also by suckers and layers.
C. himalayensis, Hort. Said to have persistent lvs. and edible frs. Possibly not different from C. nepalensis.—C. myrtifolia, Linn. Shrub, 4-10 ft.: lvs. 3-nerved, glabrous: fls. greenish, from the old wood: fr. black, poisonous. Medit. region. Yields a black dye.—C. nepalensis. Wall. Shrub, 8-10 ft.: lvs. 3-5-ncrvcd, glabrous: fls. brownish: fr. black. Himalayas. —C. sarmentosa, Forst. Suffruticose, procumbent: racemes axillary, on young branches. B.M. 2470.—The wineberry shrub of the natives. The berries yield a pleasant drink, but the seeds are poisonous. Source of the New Zeal, toot-poison, which is very destructive to human and animal life. —C. limea, Maxim. Allied to C. japonica. Shrub to 18 ft.: lvs. oval or broadly elliptic, abruptly short-pointed, 1½-3 in. long: fr. black. Cent. China. Alfred rehder.
