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Herbs or shrubs of various habit: Lvs. simple (actually unifoliolate) or compound: fls. in terminal racemes or rarely the racemes opposite the Lvs.; calyx- tube short, the teeth narrow, as long as or a little shorter than the pea-like corolla.—A cosmopolitan genus of perhaps 250 species, in tropics and sub- tropics mostly. For best results, the seed should be started early indoors, after being soaked in warm water. The name is sometimes misspelled Crotolaria. Greenhouse kinds are subject to red spider. C. juncea yields the Sunn hemp of India. Our common rattle-box, C. sagittalis, is often a troublesome weed.
Herbs or shrubs of various habit: Lvs. simple (actually unifoliolate) or compound: fls. in terminal racemes or rarely the racemes opposite the Lvs.; calyx- tube short, the teeth narrow, as long as or a little shorter than the pea-like corolla.—A cosmopolitan genus of perhaps 250 species, in tropics and sub- tropics mostly. For best results, the seed should be started early indoors, after being soaked in warm water. The name is sometimes misspelled Crotolaria. Greenhouse kinds are subject to red spider. C. juncea yields the Sunn hemp of India. Our common rattle-box, C. sagittalis, is often a troublesome weed.
C. Tropeae, Mattei. An erect or prostrate annual: racemes lateral, often 20.11,1. or more; fls. small, yellowish. Italian Somaliland. Wilhelm Miller. N. Taylor.
