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Cynara (involucre spines likened to a dog's tooth). Compositae. Artichoke and Cardoon.
Thistle-like perennial herbs, mostly coarse, and sometimes prickly: Ivs. commonly large, variously lobed or pinnatisect: head large, terminating important branches, the corollas violet, blue, or white; involucre broad or nearly globular, with bracts in many series and more or less enlarged at the base; receptacle fleshy and plane, bristly; corolla slender-tubed, 5-parted, not ligulate: fr. a thick glabrous compressed or 4-angled achene with a truncate apex. —Ten or a dozen species in the Medit. region and Canary Isls., two of which are grown as garden vegetables.
| name = ''Cynara''
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