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Flowers umbellate, pendulous or erect, usually red or white with green stripes; stamens inserted in the tube of the corolla; ovary 3-celled, crowded with numerous ovules, the seeds flat.—Species 20. Their cult. is like that of hemanthus and many other bulbs from the same region. They are suitable for pot culture, or for planting put in summer. The following analytical key gives an idea of the group, and its 3 subgenera.
Flowers umbellate, pendulous or erect, usually red or white with green stripes; stamens inserted in the tube of the corolla; ovary 3-celled, crowded with numerous ovules, the seeds flat.—Species 20. Their cult. is like that of hemanthus and many other bulbs from the same region. They are suitable for pot culture, or for planting put in summer. The following analytical key gives an idea of the group, and its 3 subgenera.
C. Huttonii, Baker, belongs to Cyrtanthus proper, but its lvs. appear with the fls., and it has 6-8 or even 12 pale red fls. about 1 in. long and a much shorter style than in C. obliquus. Cape Colony. B.M. 7488. Gn. 50:62.—C. inaequalis, O'Brien. Fls. erect, coral-red, borne in umbels on scapes 1 ft. high; upper segms. of perianth overhanging. Capr Colony. G.C. III. 37:261. –C. Junodii, Beauverd. Umbel 6-9-fld.; fls. cinnabar, yellow at apex, pendulous. Transvaal.      N. TAYLOR.
