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Thelymitra (Greek, woman and cap, alluding to the hood-shaped column). Orchidaceae. Terrestrial herbs with ovoid tubers, occasionally grown in the greenhouse. Lf. solitary, usually with a rather long sheath, linear, lanceolate or rarely nearly ovate: fls. usually several in a terminal raceme, sometimes reduced to 1 or 2, blue, purple, red, or yellow, occasionally with white varieties; sepals and petals nearly equal, spreading; labellum similar; column erect, broadly winged, the wings variable, sometimes extended into a broad lobed hood over the anther, lateral lobes often penicillate or crested: caps. erect, obovoid or oblong, beakless. About 30 species, Austral., New Zeal., New Caledonia, and Malaya. Cult. similar to that of bletia. None of the species is in common cult., but a number of them are of interest to orchid fanciers.
T. carnea, R. Br. St. slender, often flexuous, 6-12 in. high: lvs. narrow-linear: fls. 1-3, pink, sepals and petals oval-elliptic, oblong or obtuse, about 4 lines long. Austral.—T. ixioides, Sw. St. usually more than 1 ft. high: lvs. long-linear or linear-lanceolate, flat or channeled, with 1 or 2 shorter ones: fls. blue, pedicellate, usually forming a raceme 4-6 in. long: sepals, petals, and lip elliptic-oblong, 9-10 lines long. Austral.—T. longifolia, Forst. (T. Forsteri, Sw., T. graminea, Lindl. T. pauciflora, R. Br.). Usually about 1 ft. high: lvs. long and narrow: fls. blue, lilac, or pink, rather large, several to a raceme, column produced into a broad hood, usually conspicuous from its dark color. Austral.—T. variegata, Lindl. St. not very stout, 1 ft. or more high: lvs. with a villous sheath, blade linear, glabrous, with a much dilated base: fls. 2-4, purple, large; sepals and petals lanceolate, shortly acuminate or acute, 3/4 - 1 in. long, variegated. Austral.—T. venosa, R. Br. St. 1-2 ft. high: lvs. long and narrow: fls. blue, 6-10; sepals and petals 1/2 – 3/4 in. long; column broadly winged. Austral.
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