Tournefortia (Jos. Pitton de Tournefort, 1656-1708; one of the earliest systematic botanists). Boraginaceae. A large genus comprising possibly 100 species widely scattered about the warmer parts of the world. Mostly trees and shrubs, rarely subshrubs, with alternate simple lvs. and small fls. in terminal cymes. T. heliotropioides, Hook. = Heliotropium anchusaefolium, which see.
Tournefortia (Jos. Pitton de Tournefort, 1656-1708; one of the earliest systematic botanists). Boraginaceae. A large genus comprising possibly 100 species widely scattered about the warmer parts of the world. Mostly trees and shrubs, rarely subshrubs, with alternate simple lvs. and small fls. in terminal cymes. T. heliotropioides, Hook. - Heliotropium anchusaefolium, which see.