
468 bytes added ,  04:25, 6 September 2009
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Geum chiloense, Balb. (G. coccineum, Hort., not Balb.). "St.-lvs. 3-parted, laciniate; root-lvs. interruptedly lyrate, pilose: terminal lobe rotund, somewhat 3-lobed, crenate: fls. panicled: carpels villous." The above is a literal translation of B. R. 1348, where the terminal lobe is shown to be 2} 2 in. each way. Chile. B.R. 1088, and under 1099. L.B.C. 16:1527. Gn. 14:562; 45, p. 284. R.H. 1890, p. 305; 1881, p. 309. G. 4:487. All erroneously as G. coccineum.
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