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2 1/2- 3 in. long; scales with low pyramidal, sharply keeled apex and obtuse or on the upper scales mucronulate umbo. Philippine Isls. Not yet intro.—P. latifolia, Sarg. (P. Mayriana, Sudw.) Tree, to 60 ft., allied to P. ponderosa: lvs. 12-15 in. long and 1/14 in. wide: conea oblique at the base, 3-4 in. long. Ariz. S.S. 11:565. G.F. 2:496; 8:25. Not hardy N.—P. latisquama, Engelm.=P. Pinceana.— P. leiophylla, Schlecht. & Cham. Allied to P. Lambertiana. Tall tree: lvs. usually 5, slender, grayish green, 4-6 in. long: conea ovoid, nearly symmetrical, 2-3 in. long, with small recurved prickles. Mex. Var. chihuahuana, Shaw (P. chihuahuana, Engelm.). Lvs. usually 3 or 4, stouter and shorter. Calif, to New Mex. and Mex. S.S.11:566. G.F. 8:24.—P. macrophylla, Lindl., not Engelm. «=P. Montezumae.—P. Mayriana, Sudw.=P. latifolia.—P. montezumae. Lamb. (P. Gordoniana, Hartw. P. Grenvillae;, Gord. P. macrophylla, Lindl., not Engelm.). Tree, to 80 ft. and more: allied to P. Torreyana: lvs. glaucous or green, 7-16 in. long: Cones 4-14 in. long, light brown; apophysis depressed pyramidal, with a short, recurved spine. Mex. G.C. III. 8:405-7, 475; 15:271, 273. Gn. 66, p. 481; 68, p. 397. Very variable species, as the numerous (about 70) synonyms show. Not hardy N.—P. Nelsonii, Shaw. Allied to P. cembroides. Low bushy tree to 30 ft.: lvs. with persistent sheaths 3, 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 in. long, serrulate: cones on stout curved peduncles, cylindric; seeds wingless. Mex. G.C. III. 36:122; 37: 306.—P. patula, Schiede. Allied to P. Taeda. Tree, to 80 ft.: lvs. sometimes 4 or 5, drooping, light green, 7—9 in. long: cones oblong- ovate, oblique with depressed knobs, 4 in. long. Mex. G.C. II. 23:108, 109, 117; III. 9:435. Graceful tree, but not hardy N.—P. Picea, Linn.=Abies Picea.—P. Pinceana, Gord. (P. latisquama, Engelm.). Allied to P. cembroides. Low tree with slender branches: lvs. usually 3, entire, 5-6 in. long: cones oblong-ovate, long-stalked, 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 in. long; seeds wingless. Mex. G.C. II. 18:713; III. 38: 122.—P. pumila, Regel (P. Cembra var. pumila, Pall.). Shrubby, often procumbent, allied to P. Cembra, but resin-ducts of lvs. external: lvs. 1 3/4 - 3 in. long: cone 1 1/2 in. long; seed 2/5 in. long. N.E. Siberia to Japan. Hardy. S.I.F. 2:1. G.C. III. 46:193. M.d. 1912, PP.159,161
2 1/2- 3 in. long; scales with low pyramidal, sharply keeled apex and obtuse or on the upper scales mucronulate umbo. Philippine Isls. Not yet intro.—P. latifolia, Sarg. (P. Mayriana, Sudw.) Tree, to 60 ft., allied to P. ponderosa: lvs. 12-15 in. long and 1/14 in. wide: conea oblique at the base, 3-4 in. long. Ariz. S.S. 11:565. G.F. 2:496; 8:25. Not hardy N.—P. latisquama, Engelm.=P. Pinceana.— P. leiophylla, Schlecht. & Cham. Allied to P. Lambertiana. Tall tree: lvs. usually 5, slender, grayish green, 4-6 in. long: conea ovoid, nearly symmetrical, 2-3 in. long, with small recurved prickles. Mex. Var. chihuahuana, Shaw (P. chihuahuana, Engelm.). Lvs. usually 3 or 4, stouter and shorter. Calif, to New Mex. and Mex. S.S.11:566. G.F. 8:24.—P. macrophylla, Lindl., not Engelm. «=P. Montezumae.—P. Mayriana, Sudw.=P. latifolia.—P. montezumae. Lamb. (P. Gordoniana, Hartw. P. Grenvillae;, Gord. P. macrophylla, Lindl., not Engelm.). Tree, to 80 ft. and more: allied to P. Torreyana: lvs. glaucous or green, 7-16 in. long: Cones 4-14 in. long, light brown; apophysis depressed pyramidal, with a short, recurved spine. Mex. G.C. III. 8:405-7, 475; 15:271, 273. Gn. 66, p. 481; 68, p. 397. Very variable species, as the numerous (about 70) synonyms show. Not hardy N.—P. Nelsonii, Shaw. Allied to P. cembroides. Low bushy tree to 30 ft.: lvs. with persistent sheaths 3, 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 in. long, serrulate: cones on stout curved peduncles, cylindric; seeds wingless. Mex. G.C. III. 36:122; 37: 306.—P. patula, Schiede. Allied to P. Taeda. Tree, to 80 ft.: lvs. sometimes 4 or 5, drooping, light green, 7—9 in. long: cones oblong- ovate, oblique with depressed knobs, 4 in. long. Mex. G.C. II. 23:108, 109, 117; III. 9:435. Graceful tree, but not hardy N.—P. Picea, Linn.=Abies Picea.—P. Pinceana, Gord. (P. latisquama, Engelm.). Allied to P. cembroides. Low tree with slender branches: lvs. usually 3, entire, 5-6 in. long: cones oblong-ovate, long-stalked, 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 in. long; seeds wingless. Mex. G.C. II. 18:713; III. 38: 122.—P. pumila, Regel (P. Cembra var. pumila, Pall.). Shrubby, often procumbent, allied to P. Cembra, but resin-ducts of lvs. external: lvs. 1 3/4 - 3 in. long: cone 1 1/2 in. long; seed 2/5 in. long. N.E. Siberia to Japan. Hardy. S.I.F. 2:1. G.C. III. 46:193. M.d. 1912, PP.159,161
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