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Phytolacca acinosa, Roxbg. Much like the last: peduncles and rachis scabrous: filaments and anthers white; style suberect; calyx parts green at middle, white on margin, apex acute: lvs. ovate oblong, acuminate at apex. China and Japan ; spontaneous in India and said to be cult, for its lvs. which are edible when cooked.
Phytolacca acinosa, Roxbg. Much like the last: peduncles and rachis scabrous: filaments and anthers white; style suberect; calyx parts green at middle, white on margin, apex acute: lvs. ovate oblong, acuminate at apex. China and Japan ; spontaneous in India and said to be cult, for its lvs. which are edible when cooked.
syn. Phytolacca esculenta, Van Houtte (Pircunia esculenta, Moq. Phytolacca Kaempferi, Gray. P. pekinensis, Hance). Somewhat woody, suberect, the sts. thick, green and glabrous: lvs. short-petioled, broad-elliptic or ovate, the apex somewhat acute or blunt: infl. suberect, loosely racemose, not surpassing the lvs., the peduncle and rachis glabrous: fls. pedicellate; calyx white, the parts rounded; stamens commonly 8, with white filaments and rose colored anthers; style recurved: fr. with S free carpels. China, Japan. Cult, for the edible lvs. This name is catalogued in England as "American grape."