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Plumbago rosea, Linn. (P. sanguinea, Hort.?). St. zigzag, more or less climbing, glabrous even in the inn.: lvs. large, ovate - elliptic, the short petiole somewhat clasping: fls. purplish red, in long racemes, the corolla- lobes little if any exceeding the exserted part of the tube, the calyx glandular-hairy; base of style hairy. s. Asia. B.M. 230. Var. coccinea, Hook. (P. coccinea, Salisb.), is a form with larger scarlet fls. B.M. 5363. Gng. 1:183. H.T. 11.6:292. This is the form chiefly cult. —Like P. capensis, this species is useful for summer bedding. It is also an excellent subject for winter blooming in pots.
#REDIRECT [[Plumbago indica]]
#REDIRECT [[Plumbago indica]]
