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Polygonum weyrichii, F. Schmidt. Tall herb (3 ft.): sts. hispid, in the upper part tomentose: sheathselongated, membranous, pilose, finally fissured and falling off: lvs. short-petioled, ovate,acuminate, dull green and rugose above, whitish tomentose beneath, to 7 in. long, the lowerones broader and truncate at the base, the upper ones attenuate at the base, revolute at themargin: racemes axillary and terminal, forming a large terminal panicle; rachis fulvo-tomentose; pedicels articulate about the middle; bracts hyaline, glabrous, 2-lobed, 3-6-fld.; stamens 8: achenes 3-angled. Sag- halin.—A good hardy perennial for moist ground.
#REDIRECT [[Aconogonon weyrichii]]
#REDIRECT [[Aconogonon weyrichii]]