Erinacea pungens, Boiss. (Anthyllis Erinacea, Linn.). Shrub, to 1 ft.: lfts. 1-3, oblong-obovate or spatulate, ⅓-½ in. long, pubescent: fls. 1-3, nearly 1 in. long, violet-blue, the petals exceeding the large inflated calyx only about one-third; the short pedicels, bract lets and calyx pubescent: pod about ¾ in. long. May, June. Mountains of S. France, Spain and Corsica. L.B.C. 4:318. B.M. 676. G.C. III. 41:310. Gn. 62, p. 127; 64, p. 399. Alfred Rehder.