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Created page with '{{Inc| Ulmus campestris, Linn. (U. procera, Salisb. U. sativa, Mill., according to Henry. U. suberosa, Smith. U. surculosa var. latifolia, Stokes). English Elm. Tall tree, to 130…'
Ulmus campestris, Linn. (U. procera, Salisb. U. sativa, Mill., according to Henry. U. suberosa, Smith. U. surculosa var. latifolia, Stokes). English Elm. Tall tree, to 130 ft. high, with a straight st. and spreading or ascending branches forming an oval head; usually suckering abundantly: bark deeply fissured: young branchlets pubescent: buds ovoid, minutely pubescent: lvs. broadly oval or ovate, short-acuminate, very oblique at the base, dark green and scabrous above, soft-pubescent beneath and with axillary tufts of hairs, 2-3 in. long; pairs of veins about 12; petioles 1/5 in. long, pubescent: fls. short-stalked with 3-5 stamens: fr. nearly orbicular, 1/2 in. across, with a short closed notch at the apex, seed touching the base of the notch. England, W. and S. Eu. F.S.R. 2, p. 267. S.E.B. 8:1285. Em. 2:336. M.D.G. 1900:577.—This is the most stately of the European elms and much planted in England; the famous "Long Walk" in Windsor Park consists of this elm. This tree is sometimes planted as an avenue tree in this country; it succeeds very well and fine old trees may be seen occasionally in the northeastern states. The foliage remains green several weeks longer than that of the American elm. The form of S. Eu. has been distinguished as var. australis, Henry. Pyramidal tree: lvs. thicker and firmer; more cuspidate-acuminate, with the veins more prominent beneath: fr. more obovate. There are also several garden forms. Var. variegata, Dipp.(var. argenteo-variegata, Hort.). Lvs. striped and spotted with white. Var. purpurea, Kirchn. Lvs. tinged purple, 2 – 2 1/2 in. long. Var. purpurascens, Schneid. (var. myrtifolia purpurea, L. de Smet). Lvs. tinged purplish, about 1 in. long. Var. Van Houttei, Schneid. (var. Louis Van Houtte). Lvs. tinged with yellow. Var. Berardii, Simon-Louis. Bushy tree or shrub with slender upright branches: lvs. oblong, with few coarse teeth, nearly glabrous, 1/2 - 1 in. long. Var. viminalis, Loud. (U. antarctica, Kirchn. U. stricta, Hort.). Tree with ascending branches and pendulous slightly pubescent branchlets: lvs. obovate to narrowly elliptic, incisely doubly serrate, acuminate, scabrous above and slightly pubescent beneath, 1 – 2 1/2 in. long. G.C. III. 51:236. Var. viminalis aurea, Henry (U. Rosseelsii, Koch. U. campestris aurea, Morr. Var. antarctica aurea, Nichols.). Like the preceding but with yellow lvs. B.H. 16:19. I.H. 14:513. Var. viminalis marginata, Kirchn. (var. viminalis variegata, Nichols.). Like var. viminalis, but lvs. variegated with white. Var. Wentworthii, Schelle (U. Wentworthii pendula, Hort.). A form with pendulous branches.
