Vaccinium vacillans, Kalm. Low Blueberry. Erect, glabrous, widely branched, 1/2-3 ft. high: lvs. 1-2 in. long, obovate or oval, scarcely acute, entire or sparingly serrulate, pale or dull glaucous on both sides: fls. in rather dense clusters generally on the leafless summits of twigs; calyx reddish; corolla short-cylindraceous, greenish white, often tinged with red: berries large, with much bloom, of excellent flavor, ripening late with V. canadense. Dry sandy or rocky places, N. E. N. Amer. Em. 1:454.—"One of the most common species of the northern and central states, particularly west of the Alleghanies. One of the two commonest upland dwarf blueberries."