Vaccinium erythrinum, Hook. An erect, glabrous, evergreen shrub, with bright red twigs: lvs. ovate, obtuse, coriaceous, entire: fls. in long, 1-sided, terminal racemes; corolla cylindraceous, 5-toothed, 1/2 in. long, purple-red; anthers without terminal tubes. Mountains of Java. B.M. 4688. J.H. III. 34:39; III. 51:593. J.F. 4:364. —"Sent to England in 1852, and since grown by various nurserymen as a greenhouse plant. It is a strong plant, furnishing an abundance of bloom in Dec. and Jan. Not remarkable, but worthy of a place in collections. A very distinct type." The position of this species is doubtful. The absence of anther-tubes suggests that it may not belong to the genus Vaccinium.