| + | Vitex agnus-castus, Linn. Chaste-Tree. Hemp-tree. Monk's Pepper-Tree. Shrub or small tree, with a strong aromatic odor, grayish tomentose: lvs. long-stalked; lfts. 5-7, lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed at the base into a short stalk, entire or with few coarse teeth, grayish-tomentose beneath, the middle one 3-4 in. long: the fls. in dense, sessile clusters, forming terminal, often panicled spikes 5-7 in. long; corolla usually pale or lilac, grayish outside, 1/3 in. long; stamens and style exserted. July-Sept. S. Eu., W. Asia. Mn.2, p. 44. G.C. III. 51:52. Var. alba, Rehd. (V. albiflora, Hort. Agnus-castus vulgaris alba, Carr.). Fls. white. |