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Xeronema (Greek, dry and thread, referring to the filaments which dry and persist). Liliaceae. Perennial herb, sometimes grown in the warmhouse: rhizome very short: st. erect, simple: lvs. grouped at base of st., elongate, rigidly veined: raceme terminal, simple, secund rachis abruptly bent at base, frequently horizontal: fls. grouped on erect short pedicels; perianth red, showy, about 1/2 in. across, persisting, segms. distinct, linear, erect, 1-nerved; stamens 6; ovary sessile, obtuse, 3-celled: caps. very short-stipitate, loculicidally dehiscent. One species, New Caledonia. X. Moorei, Brongn. & Gris. St. about 20 in. long with a few reduced lvs.: basal lvs. 12-16 in. long, erect: fls. bright crimson; perianth 1/2 – 3/4 in. long; stamens exserted. New Caledonia. B.M. 8342.
| name = ''Xeronema''
| name = ''Xeronema''
