| + | Xylosma (Greek, xylos, wood, and osme, odor; alluding to the aromatic wood of some species). Syns., Myroxylon, Hisingera. Flacourtiaceae. About 45 species of evergreen, often spiny, trees or shrubs distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres except Afr. Lvs. alternate, short-petioled, usually dentate, exstipulate: fls. small, in axillary racemes, usually dioecious, apetalous; sepals 4-5, slightly connate at the base; stamens many, distinct, surrounded by a disk; ovary superior, surrounded by a disk and sometimes by staminodes, 1-celled with several ovules; styles 2-3, usually connate. Little known in cult.; prop. by seeds and probably by cuttings of half-ripened wood under glass. |
| + | X. Aquifolium, Sprague. Lvs. holly-like or occasionally nearly entire, having pair of glands at base of blade, 2-4 in. long: racemes short, axillary, of very small fls.: styles 6-7. Habitat unknown, probably Polynesia or Austral. |