
798 bytes added ,  15:29, 2 December 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Xylosma racemosa, Miq. (Hisingera racemosa, Sieb. & Zucc. Myroxylon racemosum, Kuntze). Tung-Ching Tree. Small tree or shrub, unarmed or spiny, glabrous: lvs. ovate, acumi…'
Xylosma racemosa, Miq. (Hisingera racemosa, Sieb. & Zucc. Myroxylon racemosum, Kuntze). Tung-Ching Tree. Small tree or shrub, unarmed or spiny, glabrous: lvs. ovate, acuminate, rounded at the base, serrate, 1 1/2- 2 in. long: fls. yellow, fragrant, scarcely 1/4 in. across, in axillary racemes 1/3 - 1 in. long: fr. globose, 1/5 – 1/4 in. thick, black, 2-3-seeded. Aug., Sept.; fr. in Nov., Dec. Japan, Korea, E. China. S.Z. 1:88. Var. pubescens, Rehd. & Wilson. Tree, to 80 ft.: branchlets pubescent: lvs. ovate to oblong-ovate, glabrous, 1 1/2- 3 in. long. Cent. and W. China.—Only this variety seems to be in cult. and Wilson pronounces it one of the handsomest evergreen trees of China; it has proved hardy in S. England and probably will do well in the southern states and Calif.
