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, 12:12, 6 December 2009
Ampelopsis watsoniana, Wilson (Vitis leeoides, Veitch, not Planch.). (After No. 10.) Tall climbing shrub, with slender forked tendrils, glabrous: lvs. simply pinnate; lfts. 5, stalked, ovate to ovate-oblong, acuminate, rounded at the base, remotely serrate, bright green above, glaucescent beneath, 3 – 4 1/2 in. long: fls. and frs. not known, but probably not much different from those of A. leeoides to which this species is closely related, but easily distinguished by the always simply pinnate lvs. with fewer and larger lfts. Cent. China. J.H.S. 28:295, figs. 95, 96, erroneously cited under A. leeoides on p. 278 of this work.