− | Zamia lindenii, Regel. Trunk cylindrical, 2-4 ft. or more tall when well grown: petioles long, cylindrical, sparsely provided with tawny wool, the prickles short-conical and spreading; lfts. 20 or more pairs, glabrous or somewhat puberulous, nearly or quite opposite, sessile, long-lanceolate and acuminate, dentate-serrate toward the top. Ecuador. I.H. 22:195. | + | Zamia lindenii, Regel. Trunk cylindrical, 2-4 ft. or more tall when well grown: petioles long, cylindrical, sparsely provided with tawny wool, the prickles short-conical and spreading; lfts. 20 or more pairs, glabrous or somewhat puberulous, nearly or quite opposite, sessile, long-lanceolate and acuminate, dentate-serrate toward the top. Ecuador. |