| + | {{Inc|B. aggregata, Suppl. List, (page 492). Add as a synonym B. brevipaniculata, Hort., not Schneid.; the true B. brevipaniculata is not in cult. B. Wallichiana, Suppl. List. The species cult. under this name and described here is B. xanthoxylon, Hassk., to which B. Wallichiana var. latifolia, Hort., and also B. Knightii, Hort., B. macrophylla, Hort., and B. Wallichiana, Hort., not DC., must be referred as synonyms. The true B. Wallichiana, DC., has elliptic lvs. of firmer texture and is not in cult., while the true B. Wallichiana var. latifolia, Hook f. & Thoms., belongs as a synonym of B. Hookeri, Lem.}} |