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Rhus verniciflua, Stokes (R. vernicifera, DC. R. vernix, Thumb.). Varnish-tree. Lacquer Tree. Tree, to 60 ft.: lfts. usually 11-15, short-stalked, ovate- oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, rounded or broadly cuneate at the base, entire, more or less pubescent beneath while young, 3-6 in. long: fls. whitish, in slender axillary panicles about half as long as the lvs. : fr. broader than long, compressed, straw-yellow, smooth, 1/4in. broad. May. Japan, China, Himalayas.-From thi9s tree the lacquer used for the highly polished woodenware is obtained in Japan and China; the fr yields a fatty oil. The tree is poisonous like the preceding species.
Rhus verniciflua, Stokes (R. vernicifera, DC. R. vernix, Thumb.). Varnish-tree. Lacquer Tree. Tree, to 60 ft.: lfts. usually 11-15, short-stalked, ovate- oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, rounded or broadly cuneate at the base, entire, more or less pubescent beneath while young, 3-6 in. long: fls. whitish, in slender axillary panicles about half as long as the lvs. : fr. broader than long, compressed, straw-yellow, smooth, 1/4in. broad. May. Japan, China, Himalayas.-From thi9s tree the lacquer used for the highly polished woodenware is obtained in Japan and China; the fr yields a fatty oil. The tree is poisonous like the preceding species.