A plant that is being constantly attacked by aphids has something wrong with it that is attracting aphids and, while you can spray insecticidal soap, horticultural oil or some other pesticide to rid the plant (and yourself) of aphids, unless the underlying cause is addressed, you will have to deal with aphids on this plant again. Better to understand why the plant has aphids and fix THAT before spraying or otherwise attempting to deal with the aphids. (By the way, aphids are often attracted to a plant that has been over-fertilized because the excess nitrogen has created an excess of soft, lush growth that aphids find irresistible.) | A plant that is being constantly attacked by aphids has something wrong with it that is attracting aphids and, while you can spray insecticidal soap, horticultural oil or some other pesticide to rid the plant (and yourself) of aphids, unless the underlying cause is addressed, you will have to deal with aphids on this plant again. Better to understand why the plant has aphids and fix THAT before spraying or otherwise attempting to deal with the aphids. (By the way, aphids are often attracted to a plant that has been over-fertilized because the excess nitrogen has created an excess of soft, lush growth that aphids find irresistible.) |