
648 bytes added ,  10:33, 29 December 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Mahonia repens, Don (Berberis repens, Lindl. B. Aquifolium, Brit. & Brown. B. nana, Greene. Odostemon Aquifolium, Rydb.). Rarely over 1 ft. high, stoloniferous: lfts. 3-7,…'
Mahonia repens, Don (Berberis repens, Lindl. B. Aquifolium, Brit. & Brown. B. nana, Greene. Odostemon Aquifolium, Rydb.). Rarely over 1 ft. high, stoloniferous: lfts. 3-7, roundish ovate or ovate, pale or glaucous and dull above, spinulose-dentate, 1½-2½ in. long: fls. and fr. as in the preceding. Brit. Col. to Calif, and N. Mex. B.R. 1176. L.B.C. 19:1847.— Hardier than the preceding species, but less handsome.

Var. rotundifolia, Fedde (Berberis rotundifolia Herveyi, Hort.). Lfts. usually 5, broader, often sub- orbicular, nearly entire or finely and sparingly serrate. Var. macrocarpa, Jouin. Frs. thicker and lvs. less opaque.
