
785 bytes added ,  10:38, 29 December 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Mahonia japonica, DC. (Berberis japonica, Spreng. B. Bealii, Fort.). Lfts. 9-13, roundish or ovate, the terminal one larger, usually truncate or subcordate at the base, wi…'
Mahonia japonica, DC. (Berberis japonica, Spreng. B. Bealii, Fort.). Lfts. 9-13, roundish or ovate, the terminal one larger, usually truncate or subcordate at the base, with large remote spiny teeth, dull or slightly lustrous above, 2-5 in. long: racemes 3-4 in. long, fascicled: fr. bluish black. China, Himalayas, in Japan only cult. B.M. 4846, 4852. Gn. 63, p. 72. F.S. 6:79. Gn.M. 2:19. H.F. 5:168. G. 2:299; 29:341 and J.F. 3:278 (as B. nepalensis).—Very effective by its large bold foliage; has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum in sheltered positions. Var. trifurca, Schneid. (B. trifurca, Forbes). Lfts. 4 in. long and 2 in. broad, 3-pointed at the apex and with a few teeth at the base. Var. gracfllima, Fedde. Lfts. smaller, about 2 in. long and 3/4 in. broad.
