| The genus is allied to Stephanotis, which has large white fls., while those of Marsdenia are smaller and usually purplish, lurid, greenish or pallid. Lvs. opposite: cymes umbel-shaped, simple or branched, terminal or axillary; calyx 5-parted; corolla bell-, urn- or salver- shaped; lobes narrow or broad, overlapping to the right; crown of 5 scales: seeds comose, in a more or less fleshy follicle.—In tropical and subtropical countries around the world, the species probably being nearly 100. Genus rather heterogeneous. | | The genus is allied to Stephanotis, which has large white fls., while those of Marsdenia are smaller and usually purplish, lurid, greenish or pallid. Lvs. opposite: cymes umbel-shaped, simple or branched, terminal or axillary; calyx 5-parted; corolla bell-, urn- or salver- shaped; lobes narrow or broad, overlapping to the right; crown of 5 scales: seeds comose, in a more or less fleshy follicle.—In tropical and subtropical countries around the world, the species probably being nearly 100. Genus rather heterogeneous. |
| + | M. Cundurango, Reichb. f. (Gonolobus Cundurango, Triana), of Ecuador and Colombia, yields the medicinal condurango bark: liana: lvs. round-oblong, acute, hairy beneath: fls. whitish, the corolla somewhat campanulate.— M erecta, R. Br., is fairly hardy at Arnold Arboretum: fls. white, fragrant: lvs. cordate-ovate. S. E. Eu., Syria.—M. Imthurnii, Hemal. A vigorous twining shrub with long hanging branches and fls, resembling a Hoya: lvs. ample, long-petioled, rather thick and soft and bullate (blistered).cordate-ovate: fls. about ½ in. across, purple, hairy, in dense globular very short-stalked axillary umbellate cymes. British Guiana. B.M. 7953. |