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The genus is allied to Stephanotis, which has large white fls., while those of Marsdenia are smaller and usually purplish, lurid, greenish or pallid. Lvs. opposite: cymes umbel-shaped, simple or branched, terminal or axillary; calyx 5-parted; corolla bell-, urn- or salver- shaped; lobes narrow or broad, overlapping to the right; crown of 5 scales: seeds comose, in a more or less fleshy follicle.—In tropical and subtropical countries around the world, the species probably being nearly 100. Genus rather heterogeneous.
The genus is allied to Stephanotis, which has large white fls., while those of Marsdenia are smaller and usually purplish, lurid, greenish or pallid. Lvs. opposite: cymes umbel-shaped, simple or branched, terminal or axillary; calyx 5-parted; corolla bell-, urn- or salver- shaped; lobes narrow or broad, overlapping to the right; crown of 5 scales: seeds comose, in a more or less fleshy follicle.—In tropical and subtropical countries around the world, the species probably being nearly 100. Genus rather heterogeneous.
M. Cundurango, Reichb. f. (Gonolobus Cundurango, Triana), of Ecuador and Colombia, yields the medicinal condurango bark: liana: lvs. round-oblong, acute, hairy beneath: fls. whitish, the corolla somewhat campanulate.— M erecta, R. Br., is fairly hardy at Arnold Arboretum: fls. white, fragrant: lvs. cordate-ovate. S. E. Eu., Syria.—M. Imthurnii, Hemal. A vigorous twining shrub with long hanging branches and fls, resembling a Hoya: lvs. ample, long-petioled, rather thick and soft and bullate (blistered).cordate-ovate: fls. about ½ in. across, purple, hairy, in dense globular very short-stalked axillary umbellate cymes. British Guiana. B.M. 7953.
