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Mentha pulegium. Linn. Pennyroyal. Prostrate, much branched: lvs. small, about ½in. or less long, round-oval, entire or slightly crenate, hairy: fls. in dense axillary whorls, small, bluish lilac; mouth of calyx closed by hairs; upper lobe of corolla notched. In wet places, Eu. and W. Asia, and intro. elsewhere.
Var. gibraltarica, Hort., is a dwarf compact form with deep green foliage which is sometimes variegated, used in rock-gardens and also in geometrical designs.—M. Pulegium has a strong and agreeable odor; lvs. sometimes used for seasoning. It is sometimes grown in kitchen-gardens, preferring a moist rather stiff soil. Prop, by division. The American pennyroyal is Hedeoma pulegioides. The oil of the two is similar.