
598 bytes added ,  18:56, 5 January 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Metrosideros tomentosa, A. Rich. Christmas-tree of New Zeal., because of its season of bloom, intro. into S. Calif, many years ago and now offered by nurserymen: much- bra…'
Metrosideros tomentosa, A. Rich. Christmas-tree of New Zeal., because of its season of bloom, intro. into S. Calif, many years ago and now offered by nurserymen: much- branched tree to 70 ft., the short trunk becoming 5 ft. in diam.: lvs. very variable, 1—4 in. long, lanceolate to broad-oblong, acute or obtuse, very thick, usually tomentose beneath: fls. large, dark crimson, in many-fld. terminal cymes, the pedicels and calyces tomentose; stamens numerous, to 1½in. long. J.F. 2:146.— Cheeseman reports it as a "noble and picturesque tree," abundant in the N. Island of New Zeal.
