
521 bytes added ,  16:19, 7 January 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Montia perfoliata, Howell (Claytonia perfoliata, Don). Winter Purslane. Rather coarse, green, often reddening with age: radical lvs. from subreniform to spatulate-obovate,…'
Montia perfoliata, Howell (Claytonia perfoliata, Don). Winter Purslane. Rather coarse, green, often reddening with age: radical lvs. from subreniform to spatulate-obovate, often 1-3 in. broad; cauline lvs. merely flattened disks: pedicels not longer than the fruiting calyx; petals white, little surpassing the calyx. Banks of streams, Calif, to Ariz, and Mex., north to Brit. Col.; common near Pacific coast. It grows wild in Cuba but is not native there, as often stated. B.M. 1336. R.H. 1897, p. 159. Annual.
